Damon Beveridge is a great guy, who is doing some great work with the local groms (and not so groms). running surf and fitness training sessions in his own time to further develop British surfing. I have trained with Damo for the last few years, and wouldnt be where I am without him. This is also a good time to give a shout out to all the local north devon surfers. Especially the guys who i have trained with over the last few years: Will Baily, Alex Gibson, Flora Lawton, Peony Knight (my sister), Storm wall, Jake Arrowsmith. All great up and coming surfers. Will Bailey recently did us all proud by coming second in the Eurpean Ripcurl Gromsearch. Jake Arrowsmith is also one to watch. Only like 10 or 11 but already shredding! Way better than I was at that age, so its great to see!